Bids for floating dock and excursion boats were launched for the project titled “Alternative tourism is developing in Beydağ”, which belongs to the Beydağ Dam Fisheries Cooperative, for which the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality also provided 57 thousand liras of co-financing and physical infrastructure work.

Mercan Tekne won the tender for the 15-meter-long excursion and angling boat with a bid of 410 thousand liras, and PMS company won the floating dock tender with a bid of 141 thousand liras. Beydağ Dam Fisheries Cooperative President Mehmet Saydam signed a contract with company representatives yesterday. Saydam stated that the works that will start with the two tenders will be completed by the end of April.


Stating that the project, which aims to make the Beydağ Dam an alternative tourism center, was deemed worthy of support by İZKA, Mayor Saydam said: “The project has been prepared for the use of the dam lake for various sports activities and social purposes.

For this purpose, a floating dock system will be built on the lake, a recreational boat will be purchased and the necessary equipment for sportive angling will be purchased and installed. With this project, we aim to provide the socio-economic development of the region by creating alternative tourism opportunities in Beydağ and to ensure development in this way.

We want to make our district a center of attraction by using the Beydağ Dam lake for social and sportive purposes as well as irrigation. In order to develop an economic activity other than agriculture in Beydağ, natural assets should also be integrated into tourism. Our project is also supported by our Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. By the end of April, the floating dock system and our 15-meter excursion boat will be ready.”